Got My Horse

Securing Your Equine Friends: Choosing the Right Horse Fence

Horse Fencing Options: Choosing the Right Type for Your needsIf you own a horse, you already know how important it is to have a good fence. A sturdy and secure fence keeps your horse safe, controls its movement, and offers peace of mind to owners.

But with so many fencing options available in the market, it can be challenging to choose the best one that meets your horse’s needs. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the different types of horse fencing available and help you decide which one is right for your situation.

Types of Horse Fencing

When it comes to horse fencing, there’s a wide range of options to choose from, including wire fencing, electric fencing, wooden fencing, PVC fencing, and pipe fencing. Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of each option.

Wire Fencing

Wire fencing is a popular choice for horse owners due to its durability and cost-effectiveness. There are two types of wire fencing: welded and woven.

Welded wire fencing is a permanent option that uses t-posts and wooden posts and a top rail for added strength. It is strong, visible, and cost-effective.

But it’s not the safest option as horses can get caught in the fence and injure themselves. Woven wire fencing uses a flexible mesh pattern that’s easier on horses.

It has more give, which means less chance of injury. But it’s also more expensive than welded wire fencing.

Electric Fencing

Electric fencing uses hot panels, electric strands, and tapes to deter horses from trying to escape. The fence is powered by solar batteries, and the voltage can be adjusted according to your horse’s requirements.

Electric fencing is a good option if you have a lot of land to secure or if your horse has a tendency to push through boundaries. It’s also relatively easy to install and remove.

But electric fencing can be dangerous if not installed correctly. It’s important to ensure that the fence is grounded and that the voltage setting is appropriate for your horse’s needs.

Wooden Fencing

Wooden fencing is a traditional and elegant option that provides good visibility and adds value to your property. Pressure-treated wood is used to prevent rot and insect damage.

But wooden fencing is hard to install, requires regular maintenance, and lacks give. It’s also not the safest option as horses can get their legs caught in the gaps between the boards.

PVC Fencing

PVC fencing offers durability, aesthetics, and resistance to rot, insects and weather. The fence is made from bendable plastic that can withstand extreme weather conditions.

But PVC fencing is expensive compared to other options, and it lacks the give that horses need. It’s also difficult to repair if damaged.

Pipe Fencing

Pipe fencing is a robust and flexible option that can withstand severe weather conditions. The fence uses galvanized steel panels and round pens, making it ideal for temporary paddocks.

But pipe fencing is expensive, and its flexibility means it lacks the visible barrier that horses need to feel safe. Types of

Wire Fencing

If you choose wire fencing, there are a few different types to consider.

V-mesh fencing is a type of woven wire fencing that uses a V-shaped profile to make it more resistant to bending. It’s designed to prevent horses from pushing through the fence.

No-climb fencing is another type of woven wire fencing that uses tightly spaced horizontal and vertical wires to make it difficult for horses to climb over the fence. Recommendations for

Wire Fencing

If you decide that wire fencing is the best option for you, here are some tips to ensure that it’s durable and effective:

Use a top rail for added strength and visibility.

Ensure that your fence is high enough to prevent horses from jumping over it. Use a secured system to ensure that the fence stays in place.

Choose a cost-effective option that meets your needs.


Choosing the right type of fencing for your horse requires careful consideration of several factors, such as cost, durability, and safety. Whether you decide to go with wire fencing, electric fencing, wooden fencing, PVC fencing, or pipe fencing, make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper installation and maintenance.

With the right fence, you can give your horse the freedom it needs while keeping it safe and secure. Electric Fencing: A Cost-Effective Solution for Your Property

Types of Electric Fencing

Electric fencing offers an affordable and effective solution to keep your horse safely contained. There are different types of electric fencing, including electric strands and tapes that use solar batteries to power the fence.

Electric strands consist of thin wires that can conduct electricity and are attached to insulators. These insulators are mounted onto wooden or PVC posts, and the strands are spaced a few inches apart.

The strands are typically made of stainless steel or aluminum. Electric tape works on the same principle as electric strands but uses a tape-like material instead.

Electric tape is often wider than strands, providing better visibility for horses. Solar batteries are an eco-friendly way of powering your electric fence.

The batteries are mounted onto a solar panel that absorbs energy from the sun during the day and stores it in the battery. This stored energy is then used to power the fence at night or during cloudy weather.

Recommendations for Electric Fencing

If you have decided to install an electric fence, here are a few recommendations to ensure it’s effective, safe and durable. 1.

Ensure the voltage is right. It’s essential to ensure that the voltage setting is appropriate for your horse’s temperament.

A mild jolt is usually enough to deter most horses. If you have a particularly energetic horse, you may need a higher voltage setting.

2. Keep the grounding system good.

Electric fencing relies on a good grounding system to work effectively. Ensure that the grounding wire is fully installed and correctly connected to the fence.

3. Keep the fence visible.

Horses need to see the barrier to avoid it. A good electric fence should be visible, usually by adding colored insulators to the posts or using electric tape, which is typically more visible than strands.

4. Protect against thunderstorms.

Thunderstorms can damage electric fencing since lightning can surge through the fence and damage the energizer unit, causing costly repairs. Be sure to install a lightning diverter to protect against damage due to electrical surges.

Wooden Fencing: A Perfect Choice for Stylish and Durable Fencing

Types of Wooden Fencing

Wooden fencing is a classic option that remains popular due to its natural appearance and sturdiness. There are different types of wooden fencing, including pressure-treated wood, rails, and boards.

Pressure-treated wood is an especially durable type of wood that resists rot, decay, and insects. It is created using a chemical process that involves injecting preservatives into the wood.

Rails and boards are the most common type of wooden fencing. Rails are the horizontal supports, while boards are the vertical planks attached to the rails.

Both of these options provide excellent visibility and a classic appearance that adds a touch of elegance to your property.

Recommendations for Wooden Fencing

If you are considering wooden fencing, here are some recommendations to ensure that it meets your requirements. 1.

Ensure good visibility. Horses need to see the barrier to avoid it, so it’s essential to keep your fence visible.

You can achieve this by spacing the boards and rails apart, painting or staining the fence, or adding colored tape or markers to the fence. 2.

Choose pressure-treated wood. Pressure-treated wood is ideal for a wooden fence since it’s resistant to rot and insect damage.

This type of wood can last for decades. 3.

Consider the longevity. Wooden fencing can last for decades if it’s installed and maintained correctly.

Ensure that you perform regular maintenance, such as replacing damaged boards or rails, and re-staining the wood whenever necessary. 4.

Consider hard to install. Wooden fencing is more challenging to install than electric fencing or wire fencing.

It requires digging holes for each post and ensuring that the fence is level, which can be time-consuming. If you’re not comfortable with DIY installation, consider hiring a professional installer.


In conclusion, electric and wooden fencing offer different advantages and disadvantages. While electric fencing is affordable and easy to install, it’s essential to ensure that it meets your horse’s needs.

Wooden fencing, on the other hand, provides a classic appearance that can withstand the elements and lasts for decades. Ultimately, the choice you make will depend on your property’s unique needs and budget.

Whether you’re looking for an electric or wooden fence, ensure that you pick a reliable and durable solution that meets your requirements. PVC Fencing: A Long-Term Durable Option

Types of PVC Fencing

PVC fencing is a widely used option among horse owners for its durability and longevity. It is rot-resistant, insect-resistant, weather-resistant, and does not require much maintenance.

There are different types of PVC fencing to choose from, including split-rail, wire, and T-posts. Split-rail PVC fencing uses a minimalistic design of two to four horizontal rails with vertical posts.

This design gives horses clear visibility of the fence, thus making them feel more secure. Wire fencing is another type of PVC fencing that uses thin wires attached to the posts and rails to secure the fence’s perimeter.

T-posts PVC fencing uses T-shaped posts to secure the rails in place, making the fence sturdier.

Recommendations for PVC Fencing

If you are considering PVC fencing, here are some recommendations to ensure that it meets your needs:

1. Durability

Opt for high-quality PVC fencing material since lower quality PVC may become brittle in harsh weather and crack.

The long-lasting nature of PVC fencing ensures that it is cost-effective in the long run. 2.


PVC is flexible, so be sure to add a top rail or wire to it to ensure it is horse-proof. The added elements create rigidity and protect the fence from horses that may try to knock it down.

3. Cost Prohibitive

PVC fencing is generally cost-prohibitive due to its durable nature.

However, it is essential to consider the long-term benefits of PVC fencing since it requires minimal maintenance compared to other fencing options. Pipe Fencing: A Perfect Fit for Temporary Paddocks

Types of Pipe Fencing

Pipe fencing is an excellent option for managing your horse’s movement in temporary paddocks. Its unique design features galvanized steel panels that create a sturdy perimeter.

The panels can be bent, allowing for flexibility in smaller areas like round pens.

Recommendations for Pipe Fencing

If you’ve decided to install pipe fencing, here are some recommendations to make it durable and effective:

1. Strength

The galvanized steel panels and round pens provide enough strength to keep horses within the designated area.

You can also add a top rail for extra rigidity. 2.


Galvanized steel is resistant to rust and corrosion, making it a durable material choice for pipe fencing. Maintenance only requires a pressure wash once or twice a year to keep it in good condition.

3. Flexibility

The unique design of pipe fencing that allows for panels to be bent means that you can customize the shape of the fence.

The flexibility of pipe fencing makes it easy to install in round pens or smaller spaces that require a specific shape. 4.


Pipe fencing is a cost-effective option, primarily if you need to fence a temporary paddock. It is an affordable fencing option with little maintenance and a long lifespan.


There are many fencing options available in the market, and choosing the right type can be difficult. Ultimately, the choice you make depends on your horse’s needs, your property’s requirements, and your budget limitations.

PVC fencing provides durability and longevity, making it an excellent choice for long-term fencing needs, while pipe fencing offers flexibility and affordability, making it ideal for temporary paddocks. By selecting the right fencing material, you can give your horse the freedom it needs while keeping it safe and secure.

Horse Fencing to Avoid to Keep Your Horses Safe

Types of Fencing to Avoid

While there are many excellent horse fencing options available in the market, there are some types of fencing that should be avoided, such as high-tensile strands, barbed wire, cattle or hog panels, woven wire, and no-climb wire fencing. High-Tensile Strands: High-tensile strands consist of thin pieces of wire that are under high pressure.

These wires are stretched tightly between posts, and when struck by a horse, they can be cut into the horse’s skin, causing significant injury. Barbed Wire: Barbed wire fencing consists of sharp metal edges and is a popular choice for livestock and cattle.

However, it is inappropriate for horses since the sharp edges can cut into the horse’s skin and cause serious injuries. Horses can also get their legs caught between the wires, leading to severe injury, or in some cases, amputation.

Cattle or Hog Panels: Cattle or hog panels may seem like an affordable and sturdy option for horse fencing, but they are not recommended. The gaps in these panels are wider, and horses can get their legs caught in them, potentially leading to serious injury.

Woven Wire Fencing: Woven wire fencing consists of vertical and horizontal wires that are woven together to create a mesh pattern. It is not recommended for horses since the wire spacing may not be tight enough to prevent the horse from getting stuck between the wires.

If a horse gets stuck, it may break a leg or incur a life-threatening injury. No-Climb Fencing: No-climb fencing is designed to prevent horses from climbing up and over the fence.

This fencing uses closely spaced wires to create a mesh pattern. The name implies that horses will not be able to climb the fence; however, if they attempt to do so, they can get their legs caught and seriously injured.

Reasons to Avoid These Types of Fencing

The primary reason to avoid these types of fencing is that they are inappropriate for horses and pose a high risk of serious injury. Horses are large animals that need appropriate fencing to keep them safe and secure.

The types of fencing mentioned above are not recommended since they have larger gaps or sharp edges that can lead to serious cuts, bruises, or even broken limbs. Any injuries sustained by horses can be costly and time-consuming to treat, leading to an unwanted financial burden on horse owners.


Horse owners often invest a significant amount of money and time into their horses, from feeding them to training them. Therefore, it is vital to ensure that the horses are protected and safe from any external dangers.

Choosing the right fencing is an important step in keeping horses safe, and using high-tensile strands, cattle or hog panels, barbed wire, no-climb wire fencing, and woven wire fencing is not recommended due to their high injury risk. Instead, consider using other options, such as electric fencing, PVC fencing, or pipe fencing that provide durability, stability, and safety for horses.

In conclusion, choosing the right fencing for your horse is an important decision that requires careful consideration. Wire fencing, electric fencing, wooden fencing, PVC fencing, and pipe fencing are all options to consider, as each has its unique advantages and disadvantages.

However, it’s essential to avoid high-tensile strands, barbed wire, cattle or hog panels, woven wire, and no-climb wire fencing as they pose a high risk of serious injury to

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